Spiritual words

The only thing that God is asking from man

Man always asks God to make wonders. But what about God? He asks man to recover the holiness he had lost.

Man always asks God to make wonders. But what about God? He asks man to recover the holiness he had lost. This is the only thing that God is asking to man. And the holiness of life can be obtained by the man with a helpless body as well.

Holiness is when you don’t know it is, and when you do something without blessing it’s pure pride and is not holiness as you wish.

(Translated from Părintele Arsenie BocaDin învățăturile Părintelui Arsenie Boca – Rostul încercărilor, Editura Credința strămoșească, Petru Vodă–Neamț, 2008, pp. 51-52)