Spiritual words

Pray and You Will Find the Joy of Life

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

It is very good for Christians to pray incessantly, as God and the Apostle said “Pray without ceasing”, meaning all day and every minute

What a blessing is to avoid sins! And those of you who have blessed shall not fall in despair but pray, weeping for their sins in order to achieve happiness. It is very good for Christians to pray incessantly, as God and the Apostle said “Pray without ceasing”, meaning all day and every minute. Do not pray only when you go to church and in the rest of the time be carefree, but pray every time you work, sleep, travel, eat, drink or sit. Pray fervently for you do not know when the One who claims your soul shall come.

(Translation from: Protosinghel Nicodim Măndiță, Învățături despre rugăciune, Editura Agapis, București, 2008, p. 55)