Spiritual words

Silence Is Communication Too

    • Foto: Silviu Cluci

      Foto: Silviu Cluci

Those who speak a lot, never stopping to think about what they say fall into a superficial conversation.

Silence means reflection to God’s mystery and our own mystery. Humans can communicate using words but also using silence. They live through each of them, making their light and mystery live as well. It’s enough to see their reflection and I can foresee their light and mystery. Through silence, they plunge not only in their mystery but also in their light and God’s light. Those who speak a lot, never stopping to think about what they say they fall into a superficial conversation. The greatest mystery and light is God. Through silence we may feel God’s presence as an inexhaustible light and mystery. If there is no God, there is no inexhaustible light and mystery. People think they can understand everything, that everything is limited by their own mind.

(Translation from Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae, nota 484 la Isaia Pustnicul, Douăzeci şi nouă de cuvinte, în Filocalia XII, Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2009, p. 222)