Spiritual words

The Soul Is the Rider and the Body Is the Horse

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

The body is our life companion. This is the reason why we should take care as much as possible of it.

The body is our life companion. This is the reason why we should take care as much as possible of it. Saint Basil said The soul is the rider and the body is the horse. A wise rider takes care of his horse, brushes it, feeds it but he also has a whip and a horse bit when he rides it. And they look so beautiful, both the rider and the horse. But if the rider leaves the horse free, and keeps feeding it with oat, the horse will throw him in the abyss.

(Translation from Îndrumări duhovnicești pentru vremelnicie și veșnicie. O sinteză a gândirii Părintelui Cleopa în 1670 de capete, Editura Teognost, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, p. 339)