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Spiritual words
25 April 2016
Spiritual words
Know that All that You Have Received from God, Was Given as a Loan
Buy yourself rest with struggle, the unseen face of God with watchfulness, the delight of eternal goods through fasting and thirst. Keep in your head your mind and knowledge; in your eyes the look of…
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28 March 2016
Spiritual words
Father Cleopa, about the Biggest Concern on New Year
These are my thoughts for the New Year! Let us thank the Holy Trinity and Theotokos, our intercessor, because she made us worthy of living another year.
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23 December 2015
Spiritual words
Man is not saved without a wilful struggle
The seed does not grow without water or earth and man is not saved without wilful struggles. Like rain does not fall without clouds, neither man cannot be pleasing to God and be saved without a clean…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
If God loves us so much why is our life so filled with trouble?
If God loves us so much then why is our live so much affected by different problems? Or if we ask this question through the words of the Holy Scripture: why does God scold the one who loves and why…
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29 October 2015
Spiritual words
Without self-sacrifice there is no salvation
Usually, when it comes about himself, man is always unfair and changes the scale; he is more rightful towards himself, he chooses the better, the biggest, and the most beautiful part: he cries and…
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