Everywhere Around There Are Things that Can Be Sanctified
Through your work, whatever it may be, you can became a saint. Put in every day a new beginning, a new passion and love, prayer and silence and you will no longer be restless.
It is a great art to be able to sanctify your soul. Everywhere around there are things that can be sanctified. Through your work, whatever it may be, you can became a saint. Put in every day a new beginning, a new passion and love, prayer and silence and you will no longer be restless.
For instance, there are cases when you are asked to do a task that is not part of your job. It is not good to be angry and refuse to do it. This anger is not good for the soul. Think about everything as a chance of consecration. Furthermore, there is another advantage: accepting to do more tasks you learn how to do the entire job, you become more responsible. You learn something that later can prove to be useful. Of course, if they ask you to do something that is beyond your power, you can apologise and say “I am sorry, but I cannot do this task.” But you also can accept it and to do it successfully.
Work with attention, simply, without stress, with happiness and joy. This is when you will receive the heavenly grace.
(Translation from: Ne vorbeşte părintele Porfirie – Viaţa şi cuvintele, traducere din limba greacă de Ieromonah Evloghie Munteanu, Editura Egumeniţa, 2003, pp. 243-244)