Give not Only What You Have but also What You Are – This Is How You Learn to Love
Saint Nicholas Velimirovich -Therefore, all Christians should know that there are three types of spirits: The Holy Spirit of God, the natural spirit and the demonic spirits. I repeat: man is as his spirit is.
Because everything that our Creator, in His incommensurable kindness, bestows upon us comes either from Him, or from Himself. When He gives us light, rain, good harvest, health, success or the knowledge of nature, He is giving us something from Him. In other words, he gives us something He created, that is His own, but is not Himself. But when He gives us the Holy Spirit, He gives us Himself. This is the characteristic of the divine, complete love, to give not only what He has, but Himself as well.
Therefore, all Christians should know that there are three types of spirits: The Holy Spirit of God, the natural spirit and the demonic spirits. I repeat: man is as his spirit is. (Saint Nicholas Velimirovici)
(Translation from: Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae al Ohridei și Jicei; Fericitul Arhimandrit Justin Popovici, Taina și semnificația bătăliei de la Kosovo, traducere din limba engleză de Paul Bălan, Editura Anestis, 2013, pp. 79-80)