Spiritual words

How to Raise a Wise, Good Child

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

Nothing can make a person go mad more than these passions. In order to be wise, as God asked, it is enough to fear Him and judge correctly worldly things. The summit of wisdom is: never let a passion for childish things to rule your will.

We shall talk now about the most important thing: abstinence. A child is good if you spend effort on this. This part of wisdom is broad and wonderful because it needs a lot of teaching about God, about His gifts, hell and the Kingdom of Heaven. According to the Holy Scripture “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7).

Let us always inspire to him this care of being thrifty, teaching him everything we know about people: what wealth, glory and power mean. He should teach our child to despise them and seek for the true values. We shall remember him or her about the words: “My son, you shall fear God, and no one apart from Him.”

Thus they will become true persons, filled with virtues. Nothing can make a person go mad more than these passions. To be wise, as God asked, it is enough to fear Him and judge correctly worldly things. The summit of wisdom is: never let a passion for childish things to rule your will. A child needs to learn that money, celebrity, power, death or life on this earth do not mean anything. Only thus he will be wise.

If we lead our son into the bridal chamber with these teachings imagine what a gift he will be for the bride.

(Translation from: Saint John ChrysostomPărinții și educarea copiilor, traducere de Ieromonah Benedict Aghioritul, Editura Agapis, București, 2007, pp. 81-82)