Spiritual words

The innocent forgives the guilty

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

Not the guilty forgives the innocent, because he no longer thinks reasonably. But you, which are innocent, should forgive the guilty and ask for his forgiveness. 

From time to time, we should try to overcome our ego and forgive our brother, who made a mistake. Because the innocent forgives the guilty.

Brothers, do you understand this? Not the guilty forgives the innocent, because he no longer thinks reasonably. But you, which are innocent, should forgive the guilty and ask for his forgiveness. He looks at you in amazement and slaps you saying “are you kidding me”? But then he comes into reason thinking, “I am the guilty one and he apologised”. This is how people reconcile. With a minimum sacrifice. Minimum. But for God, this counts a great deal. Oh, what a sacrifice!

(Translated from Preot Nicolae TănaseSă nu-L răstignim iarăşi pe Hristos, Editura Agaton, Făgăraș, 2011, p. 154)