Spiritual words

Learn how not to judge your neighbour

Take the example of the Almighty God, who forgave the sins of so many murderers and enemies. 

In order to earn yourself the virtue of not condemning and envying your enemies, but to love them and forgive them, and pray to God for their forgiveness, even if they insulted you, even if they put your life into danger of death, behold God crucified on the cross. Watch him bleeding, with the crown of thorns on his head, spit in the face, with his parched lips, praying his Father to forgive his murderers “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do (Luke 23: 34)”, although he could command the earth to open and swallow them in an instant!

From here, take into account how the Almighty has forgiven the sin of so many enemies and murderers. What big deal if you, in your nothingness, you helpless worm of the earth, will follow Him and forgive your enemies from the heart?

(Translated from Nicodim AghioritulRăzboiul nevăzut, Editura Egumenița, Galați, pp. 159-160)