Spiritual words

Let’s be grateful both for blessings and for trials

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

Let’s be grateful for the blessings given by God, and also for the evils the He allowed in our life. Why? For these ones are helpful, too.

Let’s be grateful to one another, for in life we need one another. Let’s be grateful to the saints, those we asked to pray for us, the unworthy, to God. Let’s be grateful to the Mother of God, who forever prays and intercedes for us.

Let’s be grateful for the blessings given by God, and also for the evils the He allowed in our life. Why? For these ones are helpful, too. Sometimes we are in need, or we have damages, or we are flooded and other times mountains or the villages collapse on us.

You have heard all these. Let’s be grateful for these, too, for we don’t know what God in mind for us through these. 

(Translated from Preot Nicolae TănaseSă nu-L răstignim iarăşi pe Hristos, Editura Agaton, Făgăraș, 2011, p. 19)