Mind How You Behave with One’s Heart
Love the sinners, but hate their sin, lest you fall into temptation as they did. Remember that you are also an earthling and do well to everyone.
Have mercy on the poor and through them gain yourself mercy. Watch out for those cantankerous, in order not to be forced to renounce to your silence. Be patient around the sick that smell bad and especially around the poor, for you have a body, too. Do not confront those with a contrite heart, lest, becoming sorrow, to seek comfort and not find it at all. (...) Love the sinners, but hate their sin, lest you fall into temptation as they did.
Remember that you are also an earthling and do well to everyone. Do not scold those who need prayer and comforting words, comfort them, lest their souls perish and you become responsible for that. Do what doctors do – cure the flu with warm drugs and the fever with cold ones.
(Translated from Sfântul Isaac Sirul, Cuvinte despre nevoință, Editura Bunavestire, Bacău, 1997, pp. 53-54)