Morning Prayer - heart’s dew
When you wake up in the morning, think that God gives you the day that you wouldn’t have been able to give it yourself and save one hour or a quarter of an hour from the day He gave you as sacrifice to God through a thanking prayer.
When you wake up in the morning, think that God gives you the day that you wouldn’t have been able to give it yourself and save one hour or a quarter of an hour from the day He gave you as sacrifice to God through a thanking prayer. The more zeal you put to it, the more you will bless the day, the stronger you will be in front of temptations during the day.
Morning prayer is for man as morning dew is for plants. The one who prays to God in the morning, attentively, will be happier and more in peace all day. The mind is concerned all day with that first thought of the morning, as a milestone that grinds all day wheat and tares.
(Translated from Mari duhovnici români despre rugăciune, Editura Eikon, 2005, p. 230)