Our Only Duty Is Love
Concerning money, we praise people who do not owe anything to anyone, but in the case of love we admire those who are always in debt. And, as in the first case it is a sign of lack of gratitude, in this case it is a sign of gratitude: so that the debt of love may never end.
Concerning money, we praise people who do not owe anything to anyone, but in the case of love we admire those who are always in debt. And, as in the first case it is a sign of lack of gratitude, in this case it is a sign of gratitude: so that the debt of love may never end.
The duty of love is paid continuously, but it is never cleared. In this situation, it is good to be in debt. Concerning money, we praise people who do not owe anything to anyone, but in the case of love we admire those who are always in debt. And as in the first case it is a sign of lack of gratitude, in this case it is a sign of gratitude: so that the debt of love may never end.
Knowing this, the Holy Apostle Paul said: “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law”, (Romans 13: 8).
(Translation from: Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Texte alese, volumul I, traducere de Preot Ioan Andrei Târlescu, ediție îngrijită de Ieromonah Porfirie Nichita, Editura Bunavestire, Bacău, 2012, p. 33)