Out of Love, God Offered Us the Ultimate Gift: Freedom of Choice
It depends on our will if we want to meet Him or if we choose to mind our own business. We are free. This is the great privilege we were given in the day of our creation. This is the greatest mystery of our world. God has found through freedom the ideal form of mankind that can feel free and independent, even with the risk of being deprived of Him.
First of all we need to understand that, following God and His teaching depends only on our will. It depends on our will if we want to meet Him or if we choose to mind our own business. We are free. This is the great privilege we were given in the day of our creation. This is the greatest mystery of our world.
People may even believe that they are autonomous, that they have appeared on their own, according to laws that themselves have created. I think that God has found through freedom the ideal form of mankind that can feel free and independent, even with the risk of being deprived of Him.
As I said, God has a point of view regarding all this, but he found that the freedom of us, people, to be more important. In addition to this, He gave us all the means to guide us through the options of freedom. Therefore, what we want to bear in mind for the moment are the words “If any man will”, meaning we have the freedom to follow him or not.
(Translation from Metropolitan Antonie Plămădeală, Tâlcuiri noi la texte vechi, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2011, p. 34)