Praying for Others Helps Us First
We shall pray and ask God help for our brethren but not as if we were some kind of saints who have the right to ask something.
We shall pray and ask God help for our brethren but not as if we were some kind of saints who have the right to ask something. Our prayer should come out of humbleness and only then God will overflow His mercy upon us.
And you, the rest, should pray not because you were some kind of saints and God listens your prayers and does what you wish, but because this prayer for others, for enemies, for friends, for those that love and hate you build yourself up - and what a great thing that is! That's why God allows sinners to pray for the righteous.
(Translated from Părintele Gheorghe Calciu, Cuvinte vii, ediţie îngrijită la Mănăstirea Diaconeşti, Editura Bonifaciu, 2009, p. 32)