Saint Paraskevi, thank you for everything!
I am grateful to her for every time she hastened to help me when I cried my trouble before her Holy relics.
When my soul feels oppressed from the life burdens, I run to Saint Paraskevi sincerely believing that she is the only one that can help me.
I am grateful to her for every time she hastened to help me when I cried my trouble before her Holy relics.
I am grateful to her for the three children that we have, that they have grown up healthy, that we have been able to offer them all the necessary for their raising and education.
I am grateful that she did not let us to sell the house in order to pay the debts; money came, so to say, from heaven.
I am grateful she helped me to earn a degree.
I am grateful to our Most Merciful God that He gave us Saint Paraskevi to be our intercessor and hasty helper when we pray to her.
Dorica, Iași, Romania
(Translated from Binefacerile Sfintei Cuvioase Parascheva. Mărturii ale închinătorilor, volumul I, Editura Doxologia, 2011, p. 183)