When we understand God’s ordinance we can feel the love for our neighbour
For a soul that sees the Divine Providence, there are no offends or damages: all living creature works under the order or with the consent of the Creator.
The understanding of the Divine Providence brings into one’s soul a deep kindness and unaltered love for your brother that no storm can shake or disturb. For this soul there are no offends or damages: all living creature works under the order or with the consent of the Creator – the creation is just a blind tool. In this soul you can hear the voice of humbleness that reminds it of the numerous of sins committed and is in agreement with its brothers seeing in them a tool of the Divine Providence.
(Translated from Sfântul Ignatie Briancianinov, Cuvinte către cei care vor să se mântuiască, traducere de Adrian și Xenia Tănăsescu-Vlas, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2000, p. 51)