Spiritual words

The Will of God Does Not Follow Human Reasoning

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

God’s will does not uncover itself magically, is not relative and does not fit into the limited borders of human reasoning.

There is another way of knowing the will of God, used in general by Church: the advice of spiritual fathers. The great blessing of obedience, that protects with its shadow those who treasure it, brings knowledge, shelter and the strength of fulfilling the commandments, for God reveals Himself only to those who listen Him as a Father.

The completion of obedience, as a fundamental virtue, likens its apprentices with the Son of God Who “humbled himself, and became obedient unto death.” And as Jesus received all the dominion and good will of His Fathers, so will obedient people receive the annunciation of God’s will and His grace. Those who approach their spiritual fathers, seeking to find God’s will, should know about this detail.

God’s will does not uncover itself magically, is not relative and does not fit into the limited borders of human reasoning. God in His kindness descends towards human weakness and announces the inner spirit of the people who believe without having doubts, who are humble and thirst for this announcement longing to fulfil it. This is the reason why they receive with faith and gratitude the word of advice coming from their spiritual father. But when these virtues of faith, of obedience and humbleness are absent, and people tend to resist to this word of advice, or worst, to ask others, then the will of God hides as the sun in the clouds. This subject is very delicate and must be treated with care. Abba Marcus said: “People advice their brothers as they know best. But God works in those who listen to Him, in their faith.” The requirement in finding the godly will is that those who seek it be worthy of this discovery, for, as I said, the godly will, in its supernatural character, cannot be limited or magically contained in places or organs, but it reveals itself to those who are worthy.

(Translation from: Monahul Iosif Vatopedinul, Cuviosul Iosif Isihastul: nevoințe, experiențe, învățături, Traducere din limba greacă de ieroschimonah Ștefan Nuțescu, Editura Evanghelismos, București, 2009, pp. 163-165)