You cannot pray?
When you are too tired to follow your canon, especially at night, after a long, tiring day, here’s how you should pray.
When you are too tired to follow your canon, especially at night, after a long, tiring day, here’s how you should pray: Before starting to pray, make a walk, take some fresh air and allow yourself to ‘waste’ a little time… If you feel dizzy, or your head is heavy, lay down, forget about all your problems and worries of the day and after that, commence your prayer.
Never make your prayer perfunctory! Always remember that God, that sees everything, sees your desire to do well, to work and keep His commands. He watches and blesses you!
(Translated from Sfântul Teofan Zăvorâtul, Călăuzire către viața duhovnicească, Editura Egumenița, Galați, p. 81)