You Should Fast with Discernment
Fasting is an adjustment of our life, as the water boiling in a pot. If the pot is empty, you add more water so that it does not crack from the intensity of the fire, and if it is full, you take off the excess so that it does not drip into the fire and put it out.
Saint Basil, great in his wisdom, in Christian virtues, fasting and careful alimentation of people, said “abstinence (from food) is measured according to each person’s strength. I think that, ruining by unmeasured abstinence the bodily strength, you run the risk to make it incapable of good deeds”.
Thus, fasting is an adjustment of our life, as the water boiling in a pot. If the pot is empty, you add more water so that it does not crack from the intensity of the fire, and if it is full, you take off the excess so that it does not drip into the fire and put it out.
To maintain life you need to feed yourself carefully and wisely, as you fuel car engines with gasoline, oil, water and other fuels; or as they fuel electric machines and light bulbs. What is too much does wrong and what is too few – does harm.
(Translation from: Protosinghel Nicodim Măndiță, Învățături despre rugăciune, Editura Agapis, București, 2008, p. 100)