Spiritual words

Children Education Means To Parents Obedience to God

    • Photo: Ștefan Cojocariu

      Photo: Ștefan Cojocariu

It is certain that the future of children depends of the lifestyle of their parents. But how can children determine the salvation of their parents? 

It happened to read once that the salvation of parents depends very much on children. How? It is certain that the future of children depends of the lifestyle of their parents. But how can children determine the salvation of their parents? 

Children education means to parents obedience to God, because children are His gift. The salvation of their soul depends on the way in which they bear the cross that God gave them. Is the life of the spouses according to God’s will? Through children we can see this. Children are the fruits of our life. Raising them in love towards God, parents fulfil their obedience towards Him, and by this they reach salvation.

(Translation from: Pr. Evgheni Șestun, Familia Ortodoxă, traducere din limba rusă de Lucia Ciornea, Editura Sophia, București, 2005, pp. 17-18)