Spiritual words

Does God help kind people but who do not believe in Him?

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

God has left us all a legacy, and this is why all people are good in their heart. But the devil ruins everything. Some have kept this kindness, even if they do not live in the bosom of the Church. Well, God will take care of these people.

“Father, what happens with kind people but who do not believe in God?”

“Is it that they do not believe indeed? But let’s assume that they don’t. When they were little, their mother didn’t bring them to partake? Let’s assume she didn’t. But weren’t they baptised? Weren’t they anointed? Weren’t they born by baptised and orthodox mothers? Well, for the kind people, you will see that our Lord will organise things in such a way that eventually, either through challenges, either through illness, He will bring them to Heaven. Sometimes, a saint or an angel can reveal themselves to one of these good men, even if he is not worthy of such a blessing. But Christ can do this as well, after He has used all the other alternatives. But, usually, what do you think it happens to these people? The devil comes to them and tricks them, the poor, saying: ‘God has revealed to you such a great wonder because you can save the world.’ And the poor man doesn’t say ‘Oh, Lord, how can I thank you? I wasn’t worthy of such a gift.’ This means that he doesn’t feel overwhelmed, but he accepts the words of the devil and becomes proud. After that, the devil goes again to him, and ‘turns on the TV’ showing him angels and saints and tells him ‘You will save the world’. If this man will repent, then God will help him again.

Anyway, we shall not forget that God has left us all a legacy, and this is why all people are good in their heart. But the devil ruins everything. Some have kept this kindness, even if they do not live in the bosom of the Church. Well, God will take care of these people. This is why, when you see that someone has fallen and lives a sinful life, but cares for the others – sees an ill man and feels pity for him, or he helps the poor – it is an indication that God will help him, He will not leave him alone. But when you see a man who is cruel, then you shall pray for him day and night so that God may “descend” in his heart.

God’s judgement is unknown. I only know one thing: those who live a sinful life because were not guided, and were lead towards evil even if they had good intentions, God will have mercy on them. He will find ways to lead them to the right path. Even in the hour of their death, God will grant to them a good spirit.”

(Cuviosul Paisie Aghioritul, Cuvinte duhovnicești. Volumul II. Trezvie duhovnicească, traducere de Ieroschimonahul Ștefan Nuțescu, ediția a II-a, Editura Evanghelismos, București, 2011, pp. 323-325)