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Spiritual words
26 March 2016
Spiritual words
Don’t Think Highly of Yourself
If you are fought by anger, maybe because you were insulted by someone who challenged you to insult back even more fiercely than they did, look down to the ground and remember you were fashioned of…
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27 January 2016
Spiritual words
How to control your thoughts while praying?
According to Father Porphyries all these thoughts that come into our mind while praying are like planes. First, you can hear them in the distance, as a background noise, and gradually the noise…
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30 December 2015
Spiritual words
Why some people are loved by everyone?
The humble one is never hated, is not hurt by words or despised. But because he loves his Lord, he is loved by all. He loves everyone, and everyone loves him.
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27 October 2015
Spiritual words
Children, always bear God in your thoughts!
Even from infancy, children will get accustomed to pray before and after a meal, before and after finishing lessons, leaving or getting into the house, or before anything else that they do.
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5 October 2015
Spiritual words
Through prayer and faith, we cast from our life the work of the enemy
Let us not be shacked by temptations and neither be amazed of the courage of the cursed, but dwelling in faith and fervent prayer and receiving help from above, cast the work of the enemy from our…
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