Children, always bear God in your thoughts!
Even from infancy, children will get accustomed to pray before and after a meal, before and after finishing lessons, leaving or getting into the house, or before anything else that they do.
ishop Teophan teaches us to accomplish everything with the thought of God having deep belief that it depends on Him. Children should get accustomed to this habit of constant conversation with God. So, for example, was Pious Macrina (December 19th), sister of St. Basil the Great. In her biography it is said that the girl's lips never stopped praying, when she woke up or when she started any work or before eating, and no afternoon or evening passed without singings hymns and psalms. Even from infancy, children will get accustomed to pray before and after a meal, before and after finishing lessons, leaving or getting into the house, or before anything else that they do.
(Translated from Nikolaj Evgrafovich Pestov, Cum să ne creștem copiii: calea spre desăvârșita bucurie, traducere din limba rusă de Lucia Ciornea, Editura Sophia, București, 2005, p. 53)