
Function and social position are evanescent, kindness is forever

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

The ruler is the same as the rest, the same dust and ashes, he is not superior to the rest of people through nothing except the evanescent honour of his dominion. This is why you should not trade your humbleness for pride and arrogance.

You should not be proud even if you have an important rank, so that your subjects will not learn from you to be proud and arrogant. Because usually, they tend to act like their superior does.

The one above all people and creation – Our God – showed us the face of humbleness through Himself. He took the towel and washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:5), He took the face of the servant, humbling Himself, serving until He died on the Cross (Philippians 2:7-8), so that we, following his example, be not proud into this world. Because everything here will become dust, and you shall go alone there where nobody will care about your position, but everyone will receive payment for their deeds.

Don’t be proud because of evanescent honours. Don’t be proud because of your dominion as it may change. Dominion does not represent your character and does not change your kindness. The ruler is the same as the rest, the same dust and ashes, he is not superior to the rest of people through nothing except the evanescent honour of his dominion. This is why you should not trade your humbleness for pride and arrogance. This honour was given to you only for a while, to guide others and not for your glory. It is just a worldly rank, why what is it to be proud about? Everything changes and becomes as if it never existed.

(Translation from Sfântul Dimitrie al RostovuluiAlfabetul duhovnicesc, Editura Sophia, București, 2007, pp. 70-71)