Spiritual words

Befriend Your Child with His Patron Saint

    • Foto: Calin Acasandrei

      Foto: Calin Acasandrei

But even when we give our children the name of a relative we should to present to him the life of the saint whose name he bears.

In his word about How Should Parents Raise Their Children, Saint John Chrysostom talks about choosing the baptismal name of children.

The Saint knew about the costume of giving your child a relative’s name or of a literature hero, but he advises to give your children the name of a saint, so that he will be an example in life. But even when we give our children the name of a relative we should to present to him the life of the saint whose name he bears. We can pray to the saint to bless him, we may teach him to pray to the saint’s icon and after to present him the saint’s life.

In our Church, there are special services for the significant moments in the life of the children. For instance there is the prayer done in the eight day after birth when he is given a name, the prayer at the fortieth day when he is baptised, when he first goes to school etc. Do not forget about these treasures in life.

(Translation from Sister Magdalena, Sfaturi pentru o educație ortodoxă a copiilor de azi, Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2006, p.23)