Spiritual words

Don’t work without prayer!

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

There’s no other treasure more honest than prayer in our lives. This is why you should never let it aside, but as our Lord said, pray so that our struggle will not be in vain.

Either you are in church, or in your house, or on the field, or you are a shepherd, a mason, or you are at dinner, always bear prayer in mind. When you can, bow your knees, and when you can’t, pray with your mind: in the evening, morning and lunch. If you pray before starting to work, then sin will not be able to enter your soul.

There’s no other treasure more honest than prayer in our lives. This is why you should never let it aside, but as our Lord said, pray so that our struggle will not be in vain

(Translated from Protosinghel Nicodim MăndițăÎnvățături despre rugăciune, Editura Agapis, București, 2008, p. 55)