Spiritual words

Find Time for God

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

Find time for God when you cannot work. Pray, especially at dusk. At dawn, haste at church and bring God what the day has not revealed yet for you.

You divide your physical time between God and the world. Find time for God when you cannot work. Pray, especially at dusk. At dawn, haste at church and bring God what the day has not revealed yet for you. Thus, if you are busy with work, you can always say “Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word” and thus you can work with a clean conscience. How wonderful is to start your day with the chants and blessings of the Gospel!

(Translation from: Sfântul Ambrozie al Mediolanului, Viu va fi sufletul meu - părţi alese din Comentariul la Psalmul 118, traducător Părintele Constantin Necula, Editura Oastea Domnului, Sibiu, 2000, p. 91-92)