Spouses that pray together stay together
By mutual communion, by mutual participation in the life of the Church, at its sacraments and prayers, marriage becomes not only a bodily and spiritual union, but also a sacramental one. This is why the orthodox marriage of the Church in the New Testament is different from any other marriage.
The Eucharist has always been and will remain the ecclesial measurement of Christian life. Spouses should lead together a spiritual life in Christ; if it does not exist, we cannot speak anymore about a church home. All our troubles that aim the church – and most often the social and familiar one - come from the separation of our lives from the Church, from the loss of ‘its Eucharistic feature.’
By mutual communion, by mutual participation in the life of the Church, at its sacraments and prayers, marriage becomes not only a bodily and spiritual union, but also a sacramental one. This is why the orthodox marriage of the Church in the New Testament is different from any other marriage.
(Translated from Pr. Prof. Gleb Kaleda, Biserica din casă, traducere din limba rusă de Lucia Ciornea, Editura Sophia, București, 2006, p. 39)