A healthy mind has a beautiful thinking
Translation and adaptation:
Before the evil gets into your mind, cast it out through Jesus’s prayer! Don’t let the evil thoughts enter your mind!
Sweeten your soul with thoughts of comfort and hope, ensoul your words with your love for the Bridegroom, and bear in mind what he endured for your sake. Thus, you will be unshakable, humble and committed to God. Watch your mind at all times, cast out the bad thoughts as soon as they come! Don’t let them in, not for one second, because if they do, they may slip into your heart. Before the evil gets into your mind, cast is out through Jesus’s prayer! Don’t let the evil thoughts enter your mind!
(Î.P.S. Andrei Andreicuţ, Mai putem trăi frumos? Pledoarie pentru o viaţă morală curată, Editura Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, p. 48)
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