Spiritual words

How Do We Feel When We Miss God?

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

What is the wise state of the heart, the Holy Spirit’s calling and the state of the man, of the son who loves his Father and can call His name and is ready for His Kingdom?

If you want to know how great your love of God is, seek to find out how much you love His Church. We need to be as a deer that is thirsting for the water spring. This is the wise state of the heart, that is the Holy Spirit’s calling and this is the state of the man, of the son who loves his Father and can call His name and is ready for His Kingdom. The rest of us, we are just blind.

(Translation from: Ieromonah Savatie BaștovoiPuterea duhovnicească a deznădejdii, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba-Iulia, 2014, p. 45)