If you don’t know the will of God seek for yourself a good spiritual father!
Any Christian has the right of choosing his own spiritual father, he doesn’t have to go to the priest who baptised him, or the parish priest or the institution to which he belongs. Ce can choose whoever he wants or he trusts.
If you don’t know the will of God seek for yourself a good spiritual father. For not everybody have the chance of knowing the Holy Scripture or the writings of the Holy Fathers. But if you have a spiritual father… Any Christian has the right of choosing his own spiritual father, he doesn’t have to go to the priest who baptised him, or the parish priest or the institution to which he belongs. Ce can choose whoever he wants or he trusts.
(Translated from Părintele Adrian Făgeţeanu, Viaţa mea. Mărturia mea ‒ Interviuri de Andrei Dârlău, volum coordonat de Ciprian Voicilă, Editura Areopag, București, 2011, p. 65)