Spiritual words

Love casts out curious inquiry as a useless spy.

  • Foto: Benedict Both

    Foto: Benedict Both

Love casts out curious inquiry as a useless spy.

Up close, inquiry murders love. This is why science is so cold. This is why we can’t speak about the beauty of science but only about the use of science.

When a man loves a woman, he doesn’t ask about her family, age or wealth. In a similar way, the soul that loves God would hardly inquire God.

Love casts out curious inquiry as a useless spy. Nevertheless, love joins together three important parts: the mind, the heart and the soul, making them to burn in a single flame.

(Translated from Sfântul Nicolae VelimiroviciÎnvățături despre bine și rău, Editura Sophia, București, 2006, p. 78)