The Mother of God – Mother of Lonely and Grieved Souls
Theotokos is so cherished that she surpasses all heavenly and worldly powers. Theotokos is a second heaven or a second world.
When you look at the icon of the Mother of God with Baby Jesus, do you realise what you are seeing? Heaven and earth! Heaven is represented by Christ, the One Who is above Heavens, Creator of heaven and earth; and Theotokos represents the earth, meaning all peoples of the earth, for she is from our kind. She is of hierarchical and royal blood.
Theotokos is so cherished that she surpasses all heavenly and worldly powers. Theotokos is a second heaven or a second world. Through her womb mankind was renewed and thus she is the Queen of all angels and saints, and she is our Mother, Mother of all peoples of the earth and of all grieving souls.
(Translation from: Arhimandrit Cleopa Ilie, Îndrumări duhovniceşti pentru vremelnicie şi veşnicie, Editura Teognost, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, p. 149)