Spiritual words

Plant in Your Children’s Heart the Love of Nature!

    • Foto: Crina Zamfirescu

      Foto: Crina Zamfirescu

From the cradle, children need to be surrounded by beauty. They need to be taught to see the beauty of the flowers, of the trees and of the butterflies around them.

Children need to be taught to love the chirping of the birds, the sun-drenched meadows, the colours of the sunrise and sunset, we need to draw their attention on the beauty that surrounds them. It is advisable to take them as often as possible in the woods, where they can sing and run (for children will be children), but without making too much noise, unbearable even for the elephants.

Nowhere else, God is praised more than in the meadows of the Alps. Sometimes, when you see a little forest, you think that there, as in a church, you should serve the Divine Liturgy.

For decades, a fight against nature and past was encouraged. They have succeeded in this battle and in order to get the job done they have introduced discussions about ecology and environmental protection.

Nurturing in our children the love of nature, the art of discovering its beauties will save later makind from many pathological manifestations of art. This education starts since infancy. From the cradle, children need to be surrounded by beauty. They need to be taught to see the beauty of the flowers, of the trees and of the butterflies around them. The feeling of the perception of the natural beauties is seeded in our heart since the first moments of our life. This feeling needs not to be supressed but to be developed by all means.

(Translated from Pr. Prof. Gleb Kaleda, Biserica din casă, translated from Russian by Lucia Ciornea, Editura Sophia, București, 2006, pp. 119)