Spiritual words

Prayer - Fight for Salvation

    • Foto: Oana Nechifor

      Foto: Oana Nechifor

Our guardian angel is always saying to us “Pray and watch incessantly! Keep and fructify through prayer what you have conquered!”  In a moment of spiritual zeal you may embrace the height of spiritual salvation.

One of the laws of war is: anything that you have conquered you need to protect and defend, because the attack of the enemy is inherent. If you don’t advance in the spiritual struggle, it’s as if you are giving up.

Our guardian angel is always saying to us “Pray and watch incessantly! Keep and fructify through prayer what you have conquered!”  In a moment of spiritual zeal you may embrace the height of spiritual salvation.

But this victory needs to be strengthened with prayer, otherwise you lose everything you have conquered.

(Translated from Preot Iosif TrifaOglinda inimii omului, Editura Oastea Domnului, Sibiu, 2009, p. 93)