Spiritual words

What Is the Meaning of Being Open-Minded?

  • Foto: Andrei Agaghe

    Foto: Andrei Agaghe

We have an open mind when the mind is pure. Through it, the mind sees better what the infinite dimensions of God are. And then it shares them, through spoken word, to all those that are willing to receive them.

A purified mind floats as the sky over the soul. On this sky the Heavenly Sun is spreading its light, or, it is the translucent environment for this Sun. The mind of the soul is no longer closed, because it is not filled with limited things, but it is open to the infinite and bright God. It is open when it is pure. Through it, the mind sees better what the infinite dimensions of God are. And then it shares them, through spoken word, to all those that are willing to receive them.

Those who manage to transform their body into a worker of the mind, unify the world.

(Translation from Alexandru Prelipcean, Spiritualitate creștină și rigoare științifică: notele de subsol ale filocaliei românești, volumul 2, Editura Doxologia, 2013, pp. 50-51)