Spiritual words

You May Drink, But In Moderation!

    • Photo: Oana Nechifor

      Photo: Oana Nechifor

Flee drunkenness as not to fall in the sin of fornication. God created wine for us, but for the joy of the heart and not for drunkenness.

Flee drunkenness as not to fall in the sin of fornication. God created wine for us, but for the joy of the heart and not for drunkenness. We shall drink not as much as our throat desires but as the weakness of our body allows. The holy Apostle Paul prompted Timothy to use some wine (Timothy 5:23) for stomach ache and other weakness. Therefore, we should not consume a medicine of the body in order to harm ourselves.

Flee drunkenness as not to fall in the sin of fornication. God created wine for us, but for the joy of the heart and not for drunkenness. We shall drink not as much as our throat desires but as the weakness of our body allows. The holy Apostle Paul prompted Timothy to use some wine (Timothy 5:23) for stomach ache and other weakness. Therefore, we should not consume a medicine of the body in order to harm ourselves. Through wine, many people weakened their body and couldn’t keep their dignity because they couldn’t manage the lust of their throat. Because of the wine, many people committed crimes or suicide and others became slaves of the devil.

But you should be balanced in everything so that this balance may keep your heart pure.

(Sfântul Vasile cel Mare, Învățătură către fiul duhovnicesc, traducere de I. Popa, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2007, pp. 48-49)