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Spiritual words
(Photo) The Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Saint Parascheva of the Balkans, 2024
During this period, the Feast of Saint Parascheva gathered hundreds of thousands of Orthodox…
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(Video) The miraculous chapel of Vasta from the roof of which seventeen trees have grown
Father Raphael Noica - Nothing was done on the line to sell Orthodoxy (VIDEO)
Did You Speak Badly About Someone? Bless that Person!
18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Love with all your heart and you will know what true joy is!
When you think this way, when you become one with this idea, it is impossible for you not to love God and not to be happy to abide the commandments, as you can. The same is with the love of your…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Nourishment for our soul
The bread and water of our soul come from above, from heaven, because they are to this day nourishment for those who advance towards salvation.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
In search for the peace of mind and heart?
Nobody can achieve peace and spiritual serenity without fighting temptation and patiently enduring sorrow. The truth is that God did the same before He died on the Cross. He was mocked, humiliated…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
God wants us to talk to Him as much as possible
We as Christians should always pray to God, anytime, anywhere. And even if our wishes are fulfilled or not, we should still thank Him. Sometimes He listens, sometimes He doesn’t, because He knows…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
If you make silence in your soul, you will hear the answer to your prayer
Jesus Christ himself, in order to show us the use and need of a silent life, from time to time he let aside public sermon and went to silent places, so that he find peace and pray.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Don’t work without prayer!
There’s no other treasure more honest than prayer in our lives. This is why you should never let it aside, but as our Lord said, pray so that our struggle will not be in vain.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
You are healthy, young and strong – but don’t count on this
Don’t count on the fact that you are healthy, beautiful, rich or young! These are shadows and dreams. Our life is short. Very, very short. We need to live here for the eternal life.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
If God loves us so much why is our life so filled with trouble?
If God loves us so much then why is our live so much affected by different problems? Or if we ask this question through the words of the Holy Scripture: why does God scold the one who loves and why…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
If it’s useful for your salvation, God will allow for your marriage as well!
If this proposal to marriage will be useful for you, God will send His help and blessing, and if it isn’t then through His judgement he will undo this plan. Being at God’s mercy, at not seeking to…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
How do we plant the seed of prayer in our children’s heart?
While children are young, in our home there should be some rules that, as soon as our children grow up, should be reduced little by little, in order to give them some freedom.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
How should we behave towards those who have fallen from faith?
Be careful so that you don’t hate those who don’t believe. Pray to God for them. You will be a missionary. Your first rule should be: pray to God for those who have fallen from faith. The grace of…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Without love, life is torment
God’s commandments are easy only when there’s love, because if it weren’t for love, then everything became a torment.
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
What’s the use of being pale and weakened from fasting if our heart is filled with hatred?
What’s the use for our body to be deprived of food if our soul is filled with sins? What’s the use of being pale and weakened from fasting if our heart is filled with hatred?
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
My dears, after you sit the conscience exam, which one of you will pass it?
Let’s be humans in the whole meaning of the word, to bear humanity in oneself. Humbleness is similar with humanity. Unfortunately, in today’s world there’s little humanity. Each one is thinking about…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Love is present in the smallest things
Love is present in all the bodily gestures, when, serving God the body is filled with spiritual fruits, when man raises his hands towards God for charity and partaking, when he directs his steps…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
You don’t get to heaven on your own but living in communion
Loneliness isolates you, makes you helpless, and prevents your spirit to enjoy the good things of this world, especially those of the spiritual world, while life in community saves you from many…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Show your wife plenty of love
“I chose you because I like your behaviour, cleverness, wisdom, kindness and purity. Because I have learned to undervalue fortune as something fruitless.”
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Women should listen to the man, if the head of man is Christ
“Women should fear men”, if the head of men is Christ, but if his head is sin and his god is his stomach, then she hasn’t any salvation advice to learn from him. Without Christ he is dead and the…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
The most important tears are those on our cheeks
In our everyday life we shed tears when we miss our mother, father, children, and wife and so on. But out of all tears, the most important ones are the tears shed when the man meets God and the tears…
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18 November 2015
Spiritual words
Pray together for a tight knit family!
When your children will say “Holy God” they will hear the chants of the angels, who were once seen by a child in Constantinople in the time of the patriarch Proclus. When they will read “It is truly…
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