Spiritual words

Do Not Forget to Thank and You Shall Be Rewarded!

  • Photo: Oana Nechifor

    Photo: Oana Nechifor

You should always thank God with all your heart, because thus His help will be even greater in the future.

You should always thank God with all your heart, because thus His help will be even greater in the future.

Woe the man who forgets God when He helped him! How great should be our love of God! How great is the love of the Holy Trinity! Three times blessed are the Christians who thank God at all times for His benefactions!

When God helps you build a fence, a well, a house, a bridge, to marry a girl, to marry a boy, to pass an exam, to survive a surgery, you should always thank God with all your heart, because thus His help will be even greater in the future.

(Translation from: Arhimandrit Cleopa Ilie, Îndrumări duhovniceşti pentru vremelnicie şi veşnicie, Editura Teognost, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, p. 234)