Spiritual words

The Tender and Harsh Callings of God

  • Photo: Bogdan Zamfirescu

    Photo: Bogdan Zamfirescu

Trials, sorrows, problems and other similar things – are also works of the Holy Spirit, meant to wake us up from the sleep of injustice. For God scolds the faithful people, from who He can fashion “the chosen vessels”.

We must know that in order to wake people up, God uses tender but also harsher callings - a tender preach, the Bible, a page from a book or the whole book. Also, there are many tender callings of the Holy Spirit that tries to wake the sinners back to life. And many react to such callings.

When man is hardened in crimes and can no longer hear the tender calling of God, meant to save his soul from spiritual death, He uses harsher callings.

Trials, sorrows, problems and other similar things – are also works of the Holy Spirit, meant to wake us up from the sleep of injustice. For God scolds the faithful people, from who He can fashion “the chosen vessels”.

(Translation from: Preot Iosif Trifa, Oglinda inimii omului, Editura Oastea Domnului, Sibiu, 2009, p. 33)