Spiritual words

When is the Parents’ Prayer the Most Important?

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

Bear in mind that parents’ prayer is very powerful before God because fervent love leads to fervent prayer, and fervent prayers are always listened. What need parents to pray for?

Bear in mind that parents’ prayer is very powerful before God because fervent love leads to fervent prayer, and fervent prayers are always listened. What need parents to pray for?

Parents’ prayer is so powerful that God accepts it even when He oughtn’t. Bear in mind that parents’ prayer is very powerful before God because fervent love leads to fervent prayer, and fervent prayers are always listened. What need parents to pray for? Their wish should be focused on educating their children as living members of Christ’s Church. And God will listen to their prayer when the time will come. But exactly when this time will come – it is not for us to know.

(Translation from: Nikolaj Evgrafovich Pestov, Cum să ne creștem copiii: calea spre desăvârșita bucurie, traducere din limba rusă de Lucia Ciornea, Editura Sophia, București, 2005, p. 218)