Christ, Who Are the Poor in Spirit?
What would Christ answer if we would meet Him and ask, as reporters do: What does it mean “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?”
If we would meet Christ on the street and we would ask, as reporters do, what do you think it would be his answer to the question: What does it mean “blessed are the poor in spirit?” Of course that there can be multiple answers function of the different understanding of the question.
But Jesus would answer without doubt: the poor in spirit are the ones who are poor in worldly sins and does not know evil! Poor in evil! Poor in all sins that surpass man most of the times!
If we would reach the height of another blessing “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” we will easily understand the meaning of the holy fools! Let us pray for God so that he may help us understand His Word!
(Translation from: Înaltpreasfințitul Calinic Argatu, Traista cu stele, Editura Episcopiei Argeșului și Muscelului, Curtea de Argeș, 2005, pp. 14-15)