Spiritual words

How can we stay in God?

  • Photo: Silviu Cluci

    Photo: Silviu Cluci

To be, with capital letters refers this time to be in God! To be willing to erect as an endless column towards God’s heart!

“To be or not to be”, this is the absolute existential question! This question lasts for centuries and will still last until there will be only one man on earth and he will ask it to God, in order to heal his humanly helplessness. To be in God means to stay in God.

“To be” can be interpreted also as, to live as a human being here on earth, to be from the commandment and love of God, to be a person! Or to be for others, to be useful, to be in communion and love! How necessary is to be in this horizontal direction.

But to be, with capital letters refers this time to be in God! To be willing to erect as an endless column towards God’s heart!

(Translation from: Înaltpreasfințitul Calinic Argatu, Traista cu stele, Editura Episcopiei Argeșului și Muscelului, Curtea de Argeș, 2005, p. 36)