Theotokos Delivers Those Who Pray
Christ’s Church knows many situations when Theotokos delivered man from struggle.
Beloved brothers and sisters, our earthly life is filled with struggles and torments. There is a reason why it is called so often “valley of weeping and lamentation.” Man is born weeping and in the other world he leaves with sighs and sorrows rather than with joy. Christ’s Church knows many situations when Theotokos delivered man from struggle.
Thus, we shall pray so she may hear us all, and deliver us from all torment and struggle, clean us from all sin and make us worthy of the eternal joy of her Son’s Kingdom, so that we cry to her: “Rejoice, kind and prompt help, Who listens to our prayers!” Amen.
(Translation from: Arhimandrit Chiril Pavlov, Lauda Maicii Domnului, Editura Egumenița, Galați, 2012, p. 29)