Trusting People - a Manifestation of Faith
Have the faith that you can trust man, your brother, wife, husband, friends and relatives. What a great thing it is to be able to trust people and most of all, God!
From the beginning we must know that being faithful is the highest condition of man, because it means living in a balanced space. Be faithful in your family, to your husband, wife, friend, girlfriend, being faithful at your job, be faithful to the given word. Being faithful on the horizontal means being faithful to your brothers and believe in everyone’s work.
Now, on the vertical, being faithful means transferring horizontal faith. It is always visible that: those who are balanced in ordinary things, even in the smallest aspects of our daily life has towards God a meek and edifying attitude.
Have the faith that you can trust man, your brother, wife, husband, friends and relatives. What a great thing it is to be able to trust people and most of all, God!
(Translation from: Înaltpreasfințitul Calinic Argatu, Traista cu stele, Editura Episcopiei Argeșului și Muscelului, Curtea de Argeș, 2005, p. 65)