Spiritual words

If We Ask, God Will Help Us

  • Foto: Oana Nechifor

    Foto: Oana Nechifor

Miracles were bestowed upon many sinners, and returned to the path of the Truth, of salvation. Thus, what shall we do? We will all write letters to Heaven? Yes we will. As every Christian did since the founding of the Church.

Our letters are like prayers. Our letters are usually written with tears, others with joy, others with grief and other with gratitude. We shall have the courage to write to God, the courage to write to the Mother of God and to the Saints. And we shall not fall into despair if we don’t receive help when we want to, because many times we need to expiate our punishment for our sins, period in which we should pray and confess the sins.

If we will ask, God will certainly send His help. Miracles were bestowed upon many sinners, and returned to the path of the Truth, of salvation. Thus, what shall we do? We will all write letters to Heaven? Yes we will. As every Christian did since the founding of the Church.

(Translation from Protosinghel Nicodim MăndițăÎnvățături despre rugăciune, Editura Agapis, București, 2008, p. 64)